All you need to know about Pest Management

DIY pest control? Read this first!

DIY pest control? Read this first!

Got a pest problem? Considering a DIY approach? Here's what you need to know before taking your pest control problems in Brisbane North into your own hands. At Progressive Pest Management, we always recommend bringing in a professional in pest control from Brisbane...

How to sort that flea infestation

How to sort that flea infestation

Once a flea infestation has taken hold, it can be nearly impossible to get rid of without the help of a professional that is.  Living with a flea infestation is not recommend and is quite detrimental to your health, your families health and that of your pets. Flea...

Pest control Brisbane secrets revealed

Pest control Brisbane secrets revealed

Whether or not you have had any previous interactions with any pest control Brisbane operators, as veterans in the business there are a few things we believe you should know about dealing with pests. 4 tips to aid successful pest control in Brisbane, Ipswich and...

8 things your exterminator wants you to know

8 things your exterminator wants you to know

Got a pest problem? Looking for someone to help solve it? Call your trusty exterminator in Ipswich - Progressive Pest Management of course Here's a few pointers on how to find a reliable up to date exterminator in North Brisbane and some tips to keep you informed on...

Home Pest Control Ipswich Spring Time Tips

Home Pest Control Ipswich Spring Time Tips

Springtime brings life, the sunshine is warming up, the flowers are blooming, there's a buzz in the air. The world is awakening. With it comes an increase in the activity of all creatures, both big and small. Unfortunately, this includes pests. Take the time to review...

How to keep the bugs away while camping

How to keep the bugs away while camping

There is nothing quite like the great outdoors. Sleeping under the stars, waking up to nature, living amongst the wildlife. But there are certain species of wildlife that we could surely do without. Insects, especially the ones that bite, can ruin an otherwise perfect...