Swarming termites are a serious risk to Brisbane homes. And with the first day of Summer behind us, homeowners need to be on the lookout for these flying termites. If you’re a Brisbane homeowner, read more about swarming termites and learn how to protect your home against termite damage.

So, you didn’t know termites can fly?

You’re technically not wrong – only a specific type of termite actually has wings. A termite colony is made up of three groups known as “castes”, each playing an equally important role. The different castes are:

  1. Queen & king (Deaelates)
  2. Workers
  3. Soldier
  4. Alates

Alates are the termites with wings and the only termites with developed sexual reproductive systems which ensure the future of a colony. When the weather warms up is when they take flight on the lookout for a mate. Alates procreate mid-air, and then the female looks to find a new home to raise the next generation of termites (which could also be your home).

What do swarming termites look like?

Flying termites can often be mistaken for flying ants, so if you can examine a dead flying termite you will notice subtle differences. Swarming termites can appear in a range of colours, depending on what species they are. However, they’re often pale in colour with black pigment, wings and eyes. They have a straight, slightly curved antennae with two matching, white/translucent sets of wings.

Swarming termites. Flying ant vs termite swarmer comparison

Source: Truly Nolan

Where might you see swarming termites?

Seeing swarming termites outdoors, flying through the air, near tree stumps, or at night in the light of street lights doesn’t necessarily mean you have a termite infestation. It does, however, mean there are active termites in your area so be sure to call a professional to perform a termite inspection.

Time is of the essence when you find swarming termites indoors, as this likely indicates an infestation somewhere in your home. You might see them flying around the room, coming from cracks in the ceiling or even find dead swarming termites on the window sill. Termites can do considerable damage to Brisbane homes in a short amount of time so if you see swarming termites anywhere indoors, call a termite specialist immediately.

Why are swarming termites bad for homeowners?

Swarming termites is a sign that a new colony of termites is about to start. And without proper protection, this new colony might very well be your home. In Brisbane, we are blessed with a particularly temperate climate in which termites, and other pests, thrive.

How can you best protect your home from termites?

The key to termite protection is to handle the problem as early as possible. This means staying on top of your regular termite inspections. At Progressive Pest Management, we recommend at least annual termite inspections to ensure your home doesn’t fall victim to a new colony of termites. And now is the perfect time to book that inspection.

For the small fee of a professional termite inspector, you could save thousands of dollars on repairing your home. What’s more, many home insurance companies won’t “cover loss or damage caused by insects, vermin or rodents”. Which means it’s important you stay vigilant with ongoing inspections to minimise damage and their associated bills.

What to do if you see swarming termites

If you see swarming termites and are due for a termite inspection, don’t delay. Call a trusted professional today to ensure your home stays protected. To reduce your risk of termite infestation, follow these simple steps:

  • Remove all sources of accumulated moisture, like in gutters, drains and hard surfaces
  • Ensure your attic is ventilated and remains moisture-free
  • Keep gardens and garden beds away from the foundations of your home (especially mulch)
  • Check around your home for damaged wood (although this isn’t a foolproof check as many termites eat from the inside out)
  • Call a trusted termite specialist to perform a thorough check of your home and its surrounds

If you are concerned about termites in or around your home or are due for an annual termite inspection, contact us today. At Progressive Pest Management, we are termite specialists and know time is of the essence. That’s why we’re dedicated to identifying and solving your termite issues quickly and effectively.